
Monday, May 14, 2012

A Growing and Blooming Affair at UBC Botanical Garden

We had an incredible sunny weekend in Vancouver and we spent our Saturday walking throughout UBC Botanical Garden.

A Growing Affair, May 12- plant sale area, UBC Botanical Garden , Vancouver
"A Growing Affair", May 12- plant sale area, UBC Botanical Garden , Vancouver

Well, the truth is we decided a month before to participate to " A Growing Affair" event,  having fun, participating to demos / workshops and, of course,  looking for new additions to our garden.  

We started our day visiting the plant  sale area where was featured a great collection of plants, shrubs and trees propagated by the "Friends of the Garden" team.

A Growing Affair, May 12- perennials sale area, UBC Botanical Garden , Vancouver
Perennials for sale - "A Growing Affair" event 

I'm pretty sure that the generous weather and affordable prices  (mostly bellow $10) made this event a successful spring sale.

Interesting were Geranium Dalmaticum, Geranium Cantabrigiense (a cross between Geranium dalmaticum and Geranium macrorrhizum),  and geranium "Little Gem".

Geranium Dalmaticum

Pelargoniums were featured in tender plants area. Just couple of scented-leafed: tomentosum, Charity, Concolor Lace and Ashby.

A Growing Affair, May 12- pelargoniums sale area, UBC Botanical Garden , Vancouver
Pelargoniums for sale - "A Growing Affair" event

After finished  the plant shopping, we've participated to a workshop about garden bugs and they featured Mac's  Field Guide. I've checked and aphids are still listed under "Bad Garden Bugs" ;-)

Mac's Field Guide of Garden Bugs
Later we met other nature enthusiasts under the Ginkgo tree in front of the gatehouse and joined them for a garden tour.
Following Asian Way, close to the Greenheart Canopy Walkway (a treetop walkway longer than 300 meters, with heights up to 17.5 meters) we found a Melliodendron Xylocarpum in full bloom. It is a 4-5 meters high tree whose pink flowers bell-shaped look really fragile in the sun.

Melliodendron Xylocarpum in bloom - UBC Botanical Garden
Melliodendron Xylocarpum in bloom - UBC Botanical Garden

Melliodendron Xylocarpum tag - UBC Botanical Garden
Melliodendron Xylocarpum tag

As per my understanding, the tree has more than 15 years old (was planted in 1996 according to the tag) and last year made fruits with the professional help of Ian Gillam's who pollinate some of its flowers.

Follow the link to see an intriguing picture of its fruit on UBC's "Botany Photo of the Day" thread of February 10th. 

Its name, "honey tree" (Melliodendron) induced me an illusion of a honey flavored flowers, but I was a little disappointed by their insignificant blooming scent.

Espaliered Apples in bloom (2D shaped) at UBC Botanical Garden
Espaliered Apples in bloom (2D shaped) at UBC Botanical Garden

Most of the fruit trees from the " Food Garden" area were in full bloom as well.
The Art of Espalier is very well represented at UBC Botanical Garden ...

Blooming pathways in May- UBC Botanical Garden
Blooming pathways in May- UBC Botanical Garden

 and the multitude of colorful flowers bordering the pathways is an amazing sightseeing.

Bee gathering pollen of Meconopsis Linghelm flower
Bee gathering pollen of Meconopsis "Linghelm" flower
It seemed to be "A Growing and  Blooming Affair" which made our day really special.