
Monday, August 20, 2012

Pelargonium " PJ Miranda"

Pelargonium "PJ Miranda"  is a magnificent hybrid of regal pelargonium (pelargonium x domesticum), which have been hybridized few years ago by Jean and Phil Hausermann, members of our "Canadian Geranium & Pelargonium Society" .

Regal Pelargonium PJ Miranda bonsai
Pelargonium "PJ Miranda" in bloom

Regal Pelargonium PJ Miranda small plant
They gave us a young plant at one of the monthly meetings (photo - right side),  which make it even more valuable for us.

Regal Pelargonium PJ Miranda flower

As per their suggestion, we have cut the blooms, letting the plant to grow without flowers for 3 more months.
The plant seems to love direct sunlight and was growing quite quickly,  investing in multiple branches and now is making a nice flowering centerpiece.

Pelargonium "PJ Miranda" has serrated leaves and huge ruffled satiny flowers (almost 5 cm each), similar with "Elsie Hickman" pelargonium.  Its eye-catching blooms have light pink base and scarlet red overlay on the top petals with darker veining markings and blotchings.

Regal Pelargonium PJ Miranda satiny florets opening into full flowers
Pelargonium "PJ Miranda" flowers

Aren't you impressed, too, by its florets which are opening into full flowers and are almost covering the fuzzy velvety foliage?