
Monday, October 31, 2011

Fairy Gardens for Holiday Craft Fair 2011, Vancouver

"Life imitates art far more than art imitates LifeOscar Wilde

"Life on Farm" - miniature fairy garden with Pelargonium Citrosum " Citronella"

Most visitors come to the  Holiday Craft Fair 2011, Vancouver, West End Community Centre to view and buy holiday crafts.  This year, on  Nov 12th, 13th, 2011, on the West End Community Centre, 870 Denman Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada,  it is time to experimenting with the idea of miniature landscapes created as pictures of nature loveliness for those who are seeking out a new relaxing way of contacting nature in an urban indoor space.  

Mountain Seashore - miniature landscape with Attar of Roses / Pelargonium Capitatum
"Mountain Seashore" miniature landscape with  Attar of Roses / Pelargonium Capitatum

"Big things do come in small packages" proverb

Buying a ready made miniature garden like  "Mountain Seashore", "Life on Farm"  or "Mountain Meadow", could be just the beginning of a past time that may well become a passion.

Camel in the Desert - miniature garden with Rober s Lemon Rose Scented Pelargonium
"Camel in the Desert" - miniature garden with Rober's Lemon Rose Scented Pelargonium

Peaceful Sunset, miniature landscape with Pelargonium Capitatum
"Peaceful Sunset" miniature landscape with Pelargonium Capitatum

A fairy landscape can be used as a whimsical centerpiece on a festive dinner . Pelargoniums  trained as bonsai  with lemon, mint, rose  or  fruit scented foliage;  mini-roses, rosemary, scented-leaf rhododendrons will add a touch of  magic fragrance to any miniature landscape. Accent plants like creeping thymes, hen-and-chicks (Jovibarba hirta) or sedums, are carefully chosen to stay in scale with each other and the main bonsai.
Contrasting shapes, colors, smells and textures make the miniature gardens more realistic.

The rocks make awesome boulders, low-hills or an inviting mountain-top landscape.

The bonsai and accent plants are combined with miniature accessories and characters on a tinier scale to give a focal point and mimic elements of real life.

Mountain Meadow - miniature landscape with Attar of Roses / Pelargonium Capitatum
"Mountain Meadow" miniature landscape with Attar of Roses / Pelargonium Capitatum

Stepping stones laid on diagonal curved shape give the illusion that the scenes continue ... in a parallel universe ;-) or is just a piece of a larger one  (as in the " Holiday Carriage" where the road is stretching out to the second  miniature garden)

"Holiday Carriage" fairy landscape with a collection of  scented pelargoniums

Best of all, your fairy landscape can be considered "an ultimate pet" for those living in an apartment ;-) and not only ... Your senses will be always delighted to have a delicious - smelling edible fairy garden at your convenience.