
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Concolor Lace, pelargonium with vivid flowers

I found, by chance, a marveled scentedleaf pelargonium, with deeply divided leaf and small red blossoms with pronounced dark reddish feathering to the upper two petals.

Concolor Lace, Filbert, Shottesham Pet scented pelargonium flowers and leaves

I really love its vivid color, unusual for scentedleaf pelargoniums flowers.

Concolor Lace, Filbert, Shottesham Pet scented pelargonium vivid blossom

The plant is known as 'Concolor Lace' aka  "Shottesham Pet" or "Filbert" scented pelargonium (geranium).

I have read many times about this variety of Scented Pelargonium and I saw many pictures of it... but only now I was finding a real plant to see, feel and smell it.

The foliage seems to have a pungent smell - with some notes of spicy nutty or hazel (is said that this is the reason why is sometimes referred as Filbert).

Concolor Lace, Filbert, Shottesham Pet scented pelargonium small cutting

Its compact columnar growing habit makes this plant a suitable pelargonium for a new project... Plenty of time here, especially being just a little healthy cutting ;-) 

Welcome to my home! Cross my fingers to root well!