
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Schefflera plant potted in driftwood

One of the plants which we are growing indoor is Schefflera plant with variegated leaves. It is a very showy tropical plant (named also Umbrella Plant or Gold Capella) very easy to propagate with leaf cuttings or by air layering.

Schefflera Arboricola, variegated plant potted in driftwood

Our last project was to create a miniature landscape:  driftwood and  Schefflera Arboricola
Dwarf Umbrella Tree - is a smaller version of Schefflera plant with smaller variegated leaves . The leaves that are growing in clusters (only 2-5 cm) are arranged like spokes on a umbrellas and have creamy blotches on them. We love more this smaller variety instead of the common Schefflera plant (Schefflera Actonophylla:  larger leaves - around 20 cm, and higher habit - more than 4 feet).

Schefflera Arboricola, variegated plant potted in driftwood and ceramic tray

I know... it is not scented nor edible, but is nice and easy to work with it, especially in winter season, when  most of the outdoor plants are in dormancy.

Initially, the plant was grown  for few months in a small plastic pot, then pruned and re-potted it in this massive arching hollowed driftwood to create a theme that suggest a Hawaiian beach.

Schefflera Arboricola, dwarf umbrellas tree, potted in driftwood and ceramic tray - top view

Schefflera Arboricola, dwarf umbrellas tree, potted with one root over driftwood

One long root was passed over the left side of the driftwood. We decided to keep it for esthetically reasons and also to help feed the plant.

Schefflera Arboricola, variegated plant potted in driftwood - back view
We added Turface and white sand (surf like) in the tray and the plant is watered twice a day - it likes water. If the plant is under-watered its foliage turns yellow and begin to curl (soon will drop the leaves, too).

For decorative purposes for this indoor arrangement (miniature craft with potted plants) we also used few calcareous rocks fixed with clay in the tray, and some moss - and is ready for show. Enjoy it.