
Friday, October 22, 2010

Vegetarian Cannibal ?

I was browsing for some ideas for Halloween costumes, accessories, crafts and decorations...  After a dozens of Draculas (read my post about Dracula's legend here), monsters, skeletons, zombies and other scary creatures, just happened to find this collection of jokes with cannibals:

I follow a strict vegan diet. I eat only vegans.

9 out of 10 cannibals agree, vegetarians taste better!

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? 

One cannibal to another:  I never met a man I didn't like!

If humans aren't supposed to be eaten, then why are they made out of meat?

Asmat handcarved statue_with Rober's Lemon RoseAsmat handcarved statue_with Snowflake

Any idea if vegetarian cannibals exist? Let me try to answer as correctly as possible...
Yes - "Vegetarian Cannibals" is a pop - rock band from Washington, USA which were formed in 2003...
Roughly speaking, might sound like a contradiction in terms, a cannibal is defined as a person who eats human flesh, or any creature who eats their own kind; the term derives from the Spanish name Canibales for the Carib people, first encountered by Christopher Columbus. Therefore if it had extended into the plants reign, Vegetarian Cannibals somehow exist, the plants consumes another plants after were transformed in compost... don't you think so?

Primitive men in yoga position with Shrubland RoseAsmat handcarved wood statue with Prince of Orange plant

These jokes remembered me about my primitive statue which I bought from an antique store from one of my trips in Victoria Island. Looks like a cannibal... and was hand-carved by a cannibal... This is true, this handmade primitive wood statue was carved with manual tools from albesia wood  by one of the members of the Asmat tribe, the most famous cannibalistic tribe which lives in rainforests off the coast of  Papua, New Guinea. Asmat people found inspiration in their culture and tradition, wood being sacred for them (they are considered to be the best woodcarvers of the stone-age). This statue definitely does not look as scary as many horror-themed Halloween products existing in the modern stores.

Asmat handcarved wood statue with Snowflake prebonsai
 Thinking handcarved cannibal with Skeleton Rose bonsai

I think this tribal decor could be a nice wooden plant stand for one of my pelargoniums for Halloween days...  but I have not decided yet which plant is more suitable for that.

Still sounds confusing but ... who's the "vegetarian cannibal" - the primitive man or the plant from his arms? ;-)


  1. Now you've got me a little scared of those plants! :) I do like that statue though... although the carvers sound a little frightening...

    Have a great weekend!

    P.S. It's never too late for Friendly Friday! :)
